
This happens occasionally in ultra wealthy enclaves in Europe. A Saudi prince was held up in Paris despite a 10-car convoy and troop of armed body guards, back in 2014. There was infamous jewelry heist at Cannes in 2013.

On a recent episode of KUWTK Kourtney was saying she doesn’t post stuff on her social media until later so her followers don’t know her exact location at that time. It was in the episode involving Kylie’s stalker. But like you said earlier, with the paps and stuff it probably wasn’t too hard to find her. But they

The scarier thing is that this was probably planned out since they had to know where she was staying, what room she was in, know her routine, get the police uniforms, and know where her bodyguard(s) were when they went to her room.

In a nutshell, Rosetta’s mission was to closely observe a comet over a long period of time watching how it changed as it approached the sun, made its closest approach, and headed for the outer solar system.

Lol! I’m from Edison originally, living in Somerset County and working in Essex County...I know all those areas.

For the crash itself you mean? As I understand it - and I hope people will correct me if I’m wrong - the satellite would eventually shut down from lack of solar power as the comet-satellite “system” orbited away from the sun. And that some internal systems would’ve been damaged from the seriously deep cold of space.

Last transmission from Rosetta:

It was interesting watching the reaction in the tracking station. There was a little applause and some mild cheering. The scientists looked content after a largely successful mission, but a little sad that their baby had to be put down.

Y’all have made up my mind. I’m gonna fashion myself a necklace with a vial of bubbles and a wrist corsage of balloons and I volunteer myself as trying to make this fucking mess palatable again! You will all be delighted OR ELSE!

Your friend’s toddler is quite brilliant. I might need to adopt her outlook.

My friend’s toddler went through a phase a few months back where she wanted to travel with a balloon bouquet tied to her wrist at all times. Everyday Balloons, as it were. It was fucking hilarious.

I have a girl, and put her in as many cardigans as I can get away with. Bonus: with a girl you can dress her as your little twinsie for a while, which I will continue doing as long as I can.

They are dressed in such appealingly classic clothing. These children are clean and rosy and chubby and smiling and dressed like picture book characters. Only a weirdo could resist their darling cuteness. When we attend events, I dress my baby in classic styles, also, and people just GUSH over her.

the knee socks on baby George just break my heart into a thousand pieces

I have no idea what it is about these royal babies, but I cannot get enough of their cute little faces and old-timey outfits.

Are you sure that that’s Princess Charlotte and not just a back up clone of Prince George a la Never Let Me Go? I’ve never realized how similar they look!

I don’t see a problem with any of this...


But why cats?