
I don’t think people who choose not to spend their entire lives obsessing over a traumatic event should be viewed with suspicion. Some grief is private

I honestly hastely clicked this link to see if a “Miata club” was for woman who were blowjob enthusiasts 😮

silly dancing and hot girls

this was the very first time I’d seen a single second of this show. I thought the Italian version, Ballando con le Stelle, was bad, but this makes the Italian version seems high-brow.

Occam’s Razor: The most likely explanation is molestation that ended in death, then a coverup of some kind. Then a refusal to fess up by the accomplice(s) after the fact for obvious reasons.

I never believed the theory that Burke did it. Can somehow who does believe this explain the presence of the garrote? If you’re staging the death of your child, why stop to make such a thing? Isn’t that used to create more force? Why would that be needed when she was already dead? I just don’t get that?

Dr. Phil has a Phd, but isn’t licensed, so he cannot call himself a psychologist either. Essentially he’s accredited by Trump U

The last time I went to the Denver auto show I test drove one of the new F-150s (they literally pay you to do it, its great. Plus someone else is paying for the tires so....... you get the drift, I bet.) and as we were driving, the salesman was explaining a bunch of the new interior features (a B-pillar that could

Burke Ramsey, who is now 29, has been the subject of but one of the many theories surrounding JonBenét’s death, but none of those theories has ever been proven in court, and Burke has categorically denied his involvement, most recently on a broadcast with Dr. Phil.

I can totally see his mother being one of those people that you can’t take to a nice restaurant because they make such a huge deal out of it, can’t stop talking about the price and about the fancy this and fancy that, and essentially make a scene because they’re so uncomfortable when really all they had to do is not

Everyone go home. Penguin has won.

I think you should get a VC to help you start up a “Rent-A-Guy-To-Hold-Your-Purse” business. Design a little app like Uber, book him, and in minutes he shows up.

Not trying to be snarky or anything. Minivans are the only cars with space like that. Mainly because they either have column shifters, or shifters located high up on the dash, near the steering wheel. From a packaging perspective, it’s a little difficult. You have to leave room for the gear shift and cupholders.

Rage stroke. RAGE. STROKE. Women contain multitudes. We are not a monolith. We are individual people with individual needs and preferences. What does this one want? Not the same shit as the lady in the cubical next to me, that’s what. Just like everyone else.

I have only one request for a car “for ladies”-- a place to put my fucking purse that’s not the passengers seat! How hard is that?

Yes, it’s Kaepernick’s right not to stand and pay homage to the USA. Why should we care one way or the other? What I’d like to know is why everyone is so gung-ho with this “forced patriotism” all the time? Sure, it would be nice if everyone was happy with America all the time. But due to wars, taxes, authoritarian

Eh, maybe he’s just a creepy asshole.

True -- much more available out there.

The biggest problem is people wanting to do that, not being too lazy to do that, and knowing which sources are trustworthy.

The amount of garbage passed around facebook from “news” sources is infuriating/depressing.

So in addition to having more access today, there’s just as much or

I blame L.T. Smash :(

I appreciate what Lynch said. And agree that it’s true.

Again, I’m not personally a fan of the kneel during the anthem, but that’s his right and I’m also not outraged over it.

There is a problem, but there is also a media problem in that things get covered with certain angles and with social media and the internet, it’s