
The interior in that car is the only thing the Ringbrothers have done that I hate. It’s truly disgusting.

At least it’s not as sacrilegious as the Pantera with an LS swap they did a couple years back.

I was always impressed how much they had done with so little spinning off so many different body styles and models all from the original Hornet model.

That is probably the most attractive car i’ve ever seen. I’d sell Tracy’s left nut for that bad boy.

Some how that styling is both overworked and amazing at the same time. I dig it.

RM was a total dickweed. The Power Broker is a must. He made NY metro commuting the hell it is today.

Toyota won’t give you a Supra this week, but I can. Technically it’s a Celica Supra but that’s better than nothing, yeah?

Okay i’m going to put on my salty hat, so take this with a grain of....uhm...salt but here goes.

Anyone who doesn’t live in new york, does not care about new york.

Why do you call it the “worst neighborhood?” Seriously, does everything in NYC have to be a millennial paradise of expensive coffee, neo-ironic gluten free diners and WeWork offices?

Too bad Robert Moses is dead. I’d love to see you guys interview him.