
Laura used to date Danny's brother Chris, who introduced her to Scientology.

Celeb Scientologist's aren't treated the same as regular Scientologist's. Which explains why so many refuse to acknowledge the human rights violations. They never see because well… they never see it.

He pop's up on Dawson's Creek as well.

I agree, "old white men" is a mentality. The privilege of being a white man has yet to crack. I think the majority of people are good, but that particular section of the population are not a welcoming, kind, and helpful bunch. They will help each other, but anyone else can eat a dick.

Nice! I meant the when wheels were starting to come off. But then again I suppose the chaos was what made them great. They are a fascinating band.

Thanks for those too!

I still have love for that Center Stage movie in which he was a part of the non-dancer characters. The IMDb rankings really are so strange…

I think towards the end would have been such a bummer, but probably worth it.

Watching the world burn is so stupid especially if there is no one left to help put out the fire. If only the old white men would realize they're already obsolete we would be so much better off.

I was more just yelling into the ether.

How is this happening? He lied on his security clearance forms!!

I think we as a nation are just as partisan as we were in the 1970's. The only difference between then and now is then the Republicans had a spine and the common sense to see how their support of a corrupt leader would affect future elections. Now, the republicans literally do not want a future and are actively trying

I said this to someone yesterday. One of the millions of things Fox News got all upset about in 2008 doesn't even register now. I am profoundly sad.

Any Clash or the Replacements would have been great shows to catch. However a specific show I wish I had a time machine for was the U2 at Red Rocks Under a Blood Red Sky show.

Upvote a million times!!
Oh man that tour would have been amazing to see. That's my favorite Bruce record too.

To be fair he did get an episode of Band of Brothers where he was the main character.

Since birth they didn't get along. Fame, money, drugs, and talent made it all so much worse. Also, if Liam was my brother I'd hate him too.

Rachel I am a little leery of, but this Shauna business is suspect!

Otis Redding An Unfinished Life by Jonathan Gould. I'm loving it so far. The groundwork Gould lays regarding life in Georgia for African-American people really depressed me, but I'm powering through!

Arcade Fire - Everything Now