“Hello, Ms. Worden? We noticed some odd activity on your account. It appears that someone may be looking into your information from space. I know that sounds crazy, but we were wondering if you may know-”
“Hello, Ms. Worden? We noticed some odd activity on your account. It appears that someone may be looking into your information from space. I know that sounds crazy, but we were wondering if you may know-”
My Crying Game cosplay will be shocking!
It’s disgusting. They need to set up a special service specifically for conservatives called the ‘MurderFund’.
Their kids are going to be real assholes.
I added more info from a Daily Beast story about the incident on another post: It happened in March. Was originally swept under the rug until a parent complained. The woman in question was the grandmother of one of the kids. She was suspended for 3 days and taken off the “Granny with Guns” program.
Apparently, the school attempted to sweep this under the rug. More from the story:
I like the cruelty! You’d make a great Republican. ;)
Because we still have hillbillies that believes cannabis causes smokers to hurl themselves from windows.
“When Katy Attacks!”
Oh, boy! I can’t wait until they ramp up Electroconvulsive therapy!
Because she truly wants to believe that Russia wasn’t involved. Because if they were, that would mean that she was duped by Assange and Wikileaks (And Roger Stone haha.), and that they aren’t the lefty heroes she still chooses to believe they were.
Which is what this is really about. With Libby gone, I assume Krueger’s editorial orders are to perform double duty on the Centrist schtick.
I think this has to deal with the fact that Krueger and others gloated over the Assange DNC email releases which had Russian fingerprints all over it and they refuse to admit that were duped. I’m sure Roger Stone is extremely proud of her.
Hahaha! Holeeeeee shit this guy sounds like Eddie Murphy’s white guy impression.
I felt the same way about Cherri Bomb. After a great rock debut they quickly morphed in a pop group renamed, “Hey Violet”.
This is what happen to Cherri Bomb. They went from being a great rock band, to some pop thing that was renamed, “Hey Violet.”
Is the sudden rush to take down CNN anchors by the right retaliation for Tucker Carlson? Conservatives always seem to love to go for the tit for tat.