
Bernie’s a Democrat? Lol.

We’re about reforming the party now? Everyone bitches about being stuck in a two party system but no one wants to to take that step in giving people more options. The People’s Revolution? All talk.

Bernie Seems to be pretty successful as an independent. And you think if you’re not part of the official Democratic party they need to leave the country? Weird.

Wouldn’t this be a good jumping point for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to change her political affiliation to independent? It’s been done before and if her district believes she’s doing a good job, they’ll support her regardless. And if she’s successful, more progressives will follow. Just bite the bullet already.

I generally consider myself pretty astute when it comes to current events but I have no idea what the FUCK is going on in that Garrison cartoon header at top.

Eh, this year Bernie's more Highlander II.

That’s more of a sandwich on a white hoagie roll in a metal lunch pail at the job site kind of meal, you know, a meal that real, ordinary Americans eat every day they go to work.

It only means they’ll replace her with someone worse like Tomi Lahren, or Dinesh D’Souza in drag.

They know how abysmal Sanders’ performance was last night. That’s why they’re keeping him on the down low.

Yeah, this. When Republicans lose an election cycle, they never, EVER decide, “we need to attract more moderate voters!” (That’s the Democratic Party’s job!). Instead, it’s always, “We weren’t reaching out to the extremists enough. We need to go crazier next election.” And it always works.

Hey remember in 2016 when the Bernie left didn’t think taking the Supreme Court back was worth it? Good times!

Elections will not fix what is wrong with America. We have played too civillywith the enemy for too long.

Speaking of the NYT:


Only after his followers openly mock her at the next Democratic Convention by chanting “Pocahontas”.

Bernie has toxic baggage (what exactly?)

The problem with Bernie is he’s less of a leader and more of a mascot.

Stop encouraging the crazies!

Her numbers are making him nervous.