Big Man Japan is fantastic. Netflix was streaming it a few years back. Trolls is another film I thought would be on the list.
I don’t doubt for a second that Senator Sanders has the wisdom required to understand the difficulties inherent in impeachment proceedings in the present political environment—but I basically put him in the same camp as Pelosi on this particular issue.
“Free range chickens or die!”
It’s almost as if the writers here are more concerned with click bait, rather than how actual legislation gets passed.
No love for the Irish/British made Grabbers???
It’s as if an entire generation never heard of True Romance.
I bet my dad would be interested in this. When he was a teen, he and his friends would purposely speed passed a state trooper so they would get chased deep into the backwoods. Since they already knew those backroads, it was easy to lose the cops who would then be lost out in the middle of nowhere.
It’s like when they constantly give Jacob Wohl the attention he craves. Stop. It.
If you seriously think someone demanded sex from Chris Kattan, you need to step away from the internet.
Johnny Depp acted the same until he started making that Jack Sparrow moolah.
In July 2016, days before the Democratic convention, I was in Mr. Trump’s office when his secretary announced that Roger Stone was on the phone. Mr. Trump put Mr. Stone on the speakerphone. Mr. Stone told Mr. Trump that he had just gotten off the phone with Julian Assange and that Mr. Assange told Mr. Stone that,…
It’s sad that she was manipulated by rapey Assange.
Sounds like she’s been listening to Bernie too much.
I read several posts from people where they first complained GOT turned Daenerys into a monster, then they were like, “and how come Arya didn’t get to finish her murder list?? Lame!”
I blame the invention of the touchscreen.
Meanwhile, Hawkeye went on a Murderin’ World Tour and everyone’s like, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That he can read at all is debatable:
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson is probably the universe’s greatest living proof that a person can be brilliant in one respect (brain surgery)
She has the option of skipping the country when shit really starts going downhill (I’m looking at you war with Iran/reinstated draft).