
Alex is a 43-year-old San Franciscan who panhandles in the financial sector.

He also eats off other people’s plates while they’re still eating on their own plates. Awkward!

Now playing

He sounds like Eddie Murphy’s white guy impression.

Conservative news site take: “Watch as Ben Shapiro ANNIHILATES leftist pommie!!!11!”

I also remember the way Gabe Logan ran looked like he had taken a huge dump in his pants. I loved that run.

I feel the same about Kristen Schaal who also does similar alternative stand up material: Great performers, horrible joke writers.

Turning Point USA: “We’re not overly obvious racists, we’re subtle racists- there’s a difference!”

Sanders seems to only be interested in a revolution every 4 years.

and Trump, frankly wasn’t seen as having electability at all until he was, you know, elected.

Digital panhandlers!

Which sort of makes them SCABS.

He certainly improved. But his first few months were “oof.”

Splinter exclusive! Assange has just reported that Joe Biden distracted Seth Rich with a massage so Hillary could deal the fatal blow.

Orange is the New Blue.

Right, but specifically which ones? We need at least 4 seats and there are 22 up for re-election.

Which ones would you consider up for grabs? We have to pick up at least four.

We don’t have much chance for the Senate anyway. Almost all of the Republicans up for re-election are safely centered in deep red areas. Those seats would be hard to attain, regardless of this.

The Rorscach army reminds me of the Mutants that became The Sons of Batman in The Dark Night Returns.

Home made mayo even! Doused in hot sauce. *drooling Homer Simpson face*

I can’t go full Cool Hand Luke either. They gotta be deviled with some hot sauce. They were magic!