@8oardR1der: the OVEN seriously? WTF do you know nothing of the properties of plastic? you know like it will melt especially in an OVEN this has to be one of the most retarded things I have ever heard!!!! haha
@8oardR1der: the OVEN seriously? WTF do you know nothing of the properties of plastic? you know like it will melt especially in an OVEN this has to be one of the most retarded things I have ever heard!!!! haha
@prn: go to settings and keyboard and look @ the swype settings make sure the space is checked
@St3v3: no the Nazi's gave Jews Flair and this is the same thing Apple are the Nazi's of the app store so no nudity for you they decide what you like and you will love it
@techynottreky: +1 now if google would integrate info like this into their maps it would be the best maps ever
@BADAMG: no it's a great phone and if you really want to update the software to the newest version without waiting on HTC well that's what XDA is for I have had 2.1 on my CDMA Hero for 3 months now
@ploopsy: no shit! I got a steal of a deal on an iPad and it's pretty nice but FUCK iTunes it's THE worst "music" program I have ever used. I was so sad when I was literally forced into installing this garbage on my pc just to setup the iPad and sync my music. I love that Android doesn't need any stupid program to…
@King_Faisal_94: too bad Samsung puts out nice looking mobile phones and then forgets they exist or say hey aren't upgradeable
@cjlopez: +1
@Nano-Byte: yes please
@wjglenn: Lessthantito [at] gmail
@pathseekerken: I was wondering the same thing, just where is that folder #tips
@ddliongafech: Lessthantito[at]gmail.com #openthread
I hope that this is the reason Sprint is waiting to update it's android devices #android20onhtchero
@1112: to quote Neely615:
unless you're on call for work or something of that nature that would be totally unexcusable #gadgetetiquette
nothing in my area stupid Police not wanting to share that data and maybe scare the shit out of everyone with how bad the crime is or maybe it's not that bad
no chrome?