
I have an iPhone 4. I've had iPhone since the 3G. I've said iPhone is *the* greatest phone ever. That being said, I want this. I want it now.

Nope. Anyone that can't appreciate voice + data at the same time has never been forced into a 5 hour phone conversation. Plus I have unlimited data with the T, so I can Pandora it up to and from work all I want.

@Stacky Botrus: Thank you. And for added awesome points I made it on my iPhone 4 last night in preparation.

I'll just leave this here.

@spincast: Oh yeah, I'm going down guns blazing too, but I'm seeing the Alamo for us unfortunately.

@NyQuilDreams: I don't think it'll be nearly as big as the AT&T destroying cataclysm that everyone expects, but I think it'll sell well. Probably not as well as the AT&T iPhone though, simply because of customer mindset. Android is Verizon's flagship, iPhone AT&T's. That won't change overnight *IF* this even happens.

@Kaiser-Machead: There's a reason you're my favorite commenter ever.

@spincast: I was that way for a very long time, but even I'm getting iffy at this point. I hope you're right though as my buddy owes me lunch if this isn't the VeriPhone. Just Google "Larry Solomon" if you still think it's not an iPhone launch.

All I saw was women in a dyer and thought, "This looks like an AWESO...... oh, nevermind."

@Master_Soda: That mentions data usage PER PHONE. That survey finds VZ phones use 1.25x as much data as iPhones, but AT&T also claims to have twice as many smartphone customers as VZ. It doesn't compare VZ phones to AT&T phones, just iPhones, which doesn't make sense since AT&T sells Android, Palm, WP7. Anyway, let's

@AdrianoBatista: Awwww shucks, I'm blushing. Very smart I am not, but a good Googler I am. I work for AT&T so it's kinda important for me to know these things in case a customer tries to make me look like el stupido.

@mynamesafad: You mean the report that never contacted AT&T about how much data they actually handle and just guessed at it? The report that put SPRINT ahead of AT&T despite the fact that AT&T has 37 million more customers, and more smartphone customers than Verizon or Sprint? That study? I don't put a lot of faith

@GizmoTron9000: No simultaneous voice + data, terrible "3G" data speeds. I don't think the switch will be as big as some anticipate. Plus wait until that massive iPhone traffic slams their network* and it slows down even further.

I've heard of this account before, but now I am following him simply because Twitter wants to try to take this down and it's ridiculous.

A tablet like this could only be a RIM job. . .

@Mike43110: I don't speak to or have any contact with this person anymore. She's getting help which is what matters. It's very sad because had she never lied in the first place we would still be friends. The life she made was basically identical to the one she really lived with a few different details and names

I know someone that something very similar happened to. Raped as a child, parents and both sisters died. She spent the last year and a half lying and making up a new alternate reality for herself, and when I found out I couldn't even begin to understand it (mind you I found out about this less than a week ago). This

@amdpimp: If I could promote that I so would. Very nice.

@lizon: Wasn't trying to troll, so sorry if it came off that way. I've tried finding a size comparison between this and the standard chip used in the iPhone 4 and couldn't, but the problem is if it's even slightly larger there's no way it will fit. I do however see this coming to an iPad, especially considering this

I'm with the others that don't use shampoo. I only use it once every few days, right before I get a haircut, and right after it's cut and at the shortest I can go a week or two without it. One day I was sitting down and a girl at work came up and rubbed my head. She was like, "Your hair is so soft. What do you use?!"