
@meseta: I know one person that took that way too seriously. . . Maybe that joke was just wasted on a non-American.

@Curves: They'd probably want to know that BEFORE buying the house. . . probably. . .

@meseta: "You say, 'Why learn the coin-flipping chance-based Penney's Game, also memorize a large probability chart; teach the game to whoever I intend to challenge; persuade them that this is a better idea than a regular coin-toss; and also convince them that they don't have a massive disadvantage playing a game that

@Ian Logsdon: Yeah, the people that use it for one month aren't really the problem. It's the people that use 9GB+ every month and don't even bother to turn on WiFi when they're at home because why bother? It's unlimited right? I've seen people that jailbreak/tether and use 15GB a month every month because they hook it

@Ian Logsdon: Thank you. You're the reason for capped data plans.

@jetRink: Yeah, that's what we need in a bunch of Apple devices that heat up on their own already...

It looks like a Famicom got it on with a game of Tron. . . and I like it.

No acoustic guitar, but being an unrestrained a**hole is a-ok.

Just remember, eye contact is second only to an unnecessary wave of the hand when commanding attention.

@InfiniteJustice: This is obviously pointless. It must be really great in the alternate reality where you live. Enjoy it there and good day to you sir.

@InfiniteJustice: Maybe if the issue was actually call quality you'd have a valid point. You have an iPhone 4, how many calls have you dropped because of the problem? I've dropped exactly 0 because I was holding it in the wrong spot. "At least we can make phone calls!" has become the idiotic meme for anyone that can't

@InfiniteJustice: I'm thinking if someone here is a "fanboy" it's probably the guy that brought up a completely separate "issue" that doesn't even effect most iPhone users after something was pointed out about his beloved Android that effects all users.

@ddhboy: His post would have been clearer if it read:

@InfiniteJustice: Yeah. I bet I feel dumb because my phone drops any call longer than 2 minutes. . . Oh wait, no I don't. (Side note for bonus points: the other person I was talking to has an iPhone 4 as well).

This is genius. That was actually made for shooting video, but I wonder how it would work on my Captivate or 4. I think I'll be stopping by CVS today after work to find out.

@Ninja_peach: Maybe after they saw an upturn in business and knew they could sell for $23 without taking a hit since that's the price everywhere else. And I was going to buy it for $14 too. *shakes fist*

@RockySterling: You're saying Samsung doesn't make good phones? Look at pretty much anything in the Galaxy S lineup and tell me that. Have you ever used one of those phones? LG, I will admit, does make pretty crappy phones, at least for AT&T. The Quantum looks like the first decent LG phone we will ever have sold. The

I'll wait until it doesn't move enough and I can snag it for $10 tops. I could actually use one of these on the table next to my bed granted it'll charge too. I'd totally buy this over a power strip to charge my stuff.