
Picked up NFL 2011 last night when I saw it was a buck. No regrets. Passing is a little sluggish, and there's no punt block play, but aside from that I'm pretty happy. There aren't the 7000 plays of the Madden console games (not sure about iPhone version as I haven't played that one) but the hot-route options for

Knew about liquid metal ever since I bought that exact Cruzer drive. It's great. I'm not rough at all on my electronics, but I got it just in case (better safe than sorry). Dropped it at work and someone stepped on it. Thing was fine.

@amazingmao: I picked up my 4, tried a little while ago, and it was all gray as well. The photo app is so strange on there though. I've heard it doesn't display pics at full resolution as you said, so who knows.

@RenRen: I think all people are saying is that every feature of MobileMe is available for free other places. It's just that Apple didn't do it so it's not done "right." Except of course for Find My iPhone. Can't get that anywhere else except MobileMe. Therefore, that's really all you're paying for.

I seriously thought these were real shoes and tried to figure out how you would put them on for AT LEAST 5 minutes. I feel like a moron right now. . . In my defense, as soon as I looked at the other pics I immediately realized they weren't. . .

And just like I told my friends/co-workers. . . iPad 1 is going to be an obsolete piece of crap in a year when the next one comes out. Just like the iPhone. Seriously, look at the iPhone, and look at the 3G. Total, total, total piece of crap compared to the 3G. Then the 3GS made minor enhancements. The iPad will be

@Red Redding Was Framed: And I am instantly glad I stopped waiting for the white iPhone 4 and got the black one instead. Thank you.

@Serolf Divad: I hate Steve Jobs because he acts like they do everything best. Waiting to do multitasking until "it was done right." Sorry, this is the worst multitasking I've ever seen on a phone. Not to mention the fact that closing everything in the tray has about a 50% chance to crash the phone. Palm webOS does

Step aside Nintendo. This is the new d-Pad.

@Serolf Divad: I think I just vomited a bit in my mouth. I didn't know anyone but Steve Jobs called electronic devices "magical."

No. 5: Wrong. 200,000 Android phones are ACTIVATED every day. Big difference. I buy an iPhone 4, I give someone my 3G and they activate it. That's only 1 sale, but 2 activations for iPhone. I know plenty of people that give their old (but still nice) smartphone to a less-techie friend to activate (or they sell it on

@lespey: For some reason that wouldn't upload on the old comment.

@Juaco: But I have this. . . and it has 0% chance of screwing my phone up randomly 2 hours after I install it.

@Serolf Divad: It brings me physical and mental pain, the amount of influence Steve has on people's lives. The fact that someone would spend $1,000+ to have 2 of the exact same thing that are only 2" different in size amazes me.

@xamenek: SBSettings was truly the greatest thing that side of the jailbreak. It's really the only thing I miss from not jb'ing my 4. Also biteSMS since not all apps support the new iOS 4 fast app switching for texting.

@Juaco: Android lock bricked my iPhone and I hadn't backed up in 6 months like a moron. I think I'll have Android lock on my Android and leave this one alone.

I have an iPhone. I also have a Samsung Captivate. I talk about them both equally because they both do cool things the other doesn't. iPhone is my favorite phone, but I recommended the Captivate to my mother because a major thing she wants is GPS. Android offers turn-by-turn for free. For games and apps I recommend

@bzgunner: Your original post is the dumbest statement I've ever read in my life.