
[/consistent rumor that never goes away and is never true]

@dcdttu: *he said about the 2nd and 3rd fastest networks*

@Omega13: Sorry but. . . yes, you're wrong. Companies exist to make money. Apple exists to make money. Steve runs a company to help it make money. Not making "this s**t" would be putting a gun to his own head. . . People are willing to wait outside for days to buy these products a day (sometimes only hours) earlier

@AraRichards: They "justify" that because once you buy the equipment, it's refurbished if you return it. I mean, if you prefer maybe companies could not charge restocking fees and then put used equipment back on the shelves to sell to you when you walk in expecting to get a new phone.

Restocking fee at AT&T is actually 10% no matter what this post says. I posted as well as e-mail the author from my AT&T e-mail, but apparently I'm an idiot that doesn't know anything.

@Mark Wilson: Your article is still wrong. It's 10%, not $35. That's on all other phones.

@Mark Wilson: mrmcarler is correct. That's straight off our website. I actually e-mail you as well from my AT&T e-mail address. 10%

This is incorrect. AT&T charges a 10% restocking fee. I work here, in the store, so..... I kinda know.

@Wozamil: Why is this even a question? Attach a string to it.

@spittingangels: Only problem is, when you save it to your camera roll I believe it converts it to .jpg which is a lossy file type. What that basically means is, to make the file size smaller it kinda smears pixels together so that it doesn't have to store information for every single pixel in the file. This means a

@JS_Drupal: Yes, because your experience obviously exactly mirrors his, and there's no way his could have possibly been any worse than yours. As you know, every single user's experience with technology is exactly the same all the time.

@ModernBawhair: lespey promoted this statement of the unfortunately unobvious

@AreWeThereYeti: I really had hoped this went without saying (which is why I didn't say it), but you'd have to view this image on an iPhone 4 screen to. . . you know. . . test the iPhone 4 screen. . .

Along the lines of what "rjp is protected" said, if you can see the lines in this pic, their claims are false. This is a 960 x 640 black and white alternating line .png file (so it's completely lossless). I tested the file by downloading it after I uploaded it to the website, and after magnifying the picture in

@Nothing's Shocking: I didn't say it was your fault. I said you should call your credit card company. You're the only person I've heard of whose order was just "canceled." Many banks/credit cards were accidentally placing 2, 3, or even 4 holds when the manual credit card authorizations were ran, then actually

@Nothing's Shocking: If AT&T canceled your order it's because you didn't have enough money in your account. Oops. Maybe you should call your bank or credit card.

@n9n3: I don't know. My JB 3.1.3 was definitely faster than my completely restored and set up as a new phone 4.0. Seems like results are a mixed bag of what you got and what myself and the writer got.