
It was voted down because there was an extremely high-profile, market-saturating campaign (I’m in LA) of billboards, television, and radio advertisements plastering WWII & Korea-era vets saying nothing about the market value of drugs at large but implying that a “Yes” for 61 would allow pharmaceutical companies to

But something something socialism, something something why do you hate america?

Yeah, remember that Joey Joe Biden was god-awful about crypto and privacy as a senator, but he can eat a cone of ice cream while wearing aviators like no other vice president we’ve ever had.

I’m not saying the US shouldn’t import drugs from Canada, I’m just pointing out why drugs are cheaper in other countries.

Or, we could do the Canada thing until we have something set up over here. I’ve never understood the “all-or-nothing” approach which seems completely antithetical to idea of compromise (which is the basis of democracy). I’d rather take a half-step forward than stay in the exact same place.

Well, you hold on to that righteous anger and intent to not vote.