Leslie Gray O'Neil

There's so much he can do:
*Get a shed. Jay, you are nearly 50. So is my husband. I'm 4 years older than Bey. You are at irritating older man stage and while we love you, we get sick of you shuffling around commenting on shit that's none of your business. Get a shed, fill it with tools. Start fiftyleven projects you

I went to school across the street from a housing project. Most of my classmates had hard lives and the future wasn't bright. School was the only way we thought we could get out of the mess. You might be teased for clothes, shoes or hair, but not for being smart.

Seriously. I'm from the straight-up hood in Chicago and grew up with hippie parents. I was considered "different" by those I grew up with because of my tastes. These types in this video wouldn't dare speak to me because I'm from the hood. (I am basing this straight up on life experience. These types would get

That's what made me want to reach through the screen and choke the shit out of her. Not to mention #sayhername, Black Lives Matter, kids in Chicago taking part in protests against the destruction of their school system, the plethora of groups that try to stop the violence that plagues some communities, the people that

I wanted to punch my fucking screen after watching this. I mean, I'm speechless. And please, can we stop with the goddamned vocal fry?!

You made me so home sick. Is the one on 63rd and King Drive still good?

My husband is white. He wore two sweatshirts for the entire winter. I had on all the coats and it's not even that cold where we live, but it does get cold in the winter. I asked him if he was going to wear a coat at all this winter. He said probably not. My eldest son got that particular gene and he has to be reminded

I went to the school next door to Kenwood. Your sister is telling the truth.