
is this guy in the ring of fame yet

if you didn’t want to argue why don’t you respond to the article instead of my post criticizing it. like i truly do not give a fuck if you like it, i’m not sure why you think i would like to have someone engage me with “actually, you’re wrong, its good, because i like it” no it sucks, get out of my inbox.

i’m not sure why you felt the need to contradict my post in the first place if you’re all about respecting that other people enjoy different things

i watched it on mute but the benny hill music played in my head

“How does this guy keep getting signed” - the people of Chicago and San Antonio

i know a lot of dumb guys play it 

i know a lot of dumb guys play it

myplayer (and the collectable card game) has pretty much ruined NBA 2k, the fact that games press is so incredibly taken away by the RPG modes in sports games (seriously what in the hell?) has made it so that they were emphasized for several generations instead of fixing persistent bugs in other modes or really

the CNN method for ratings supremacy, wait whats that they’re last and ESPN doesn’t have any competition? what is this sourcery

at least that first one had a beastly DL anchored by Strahan and an array of elite wideouts like Plaxico and Amani Toomer

when i watched football my team was the giants and after they lost 2 games to the rex grossman redskins and fluked their way into another super bowl win i essentially gave up on the sport entirely

>The guy who once seemed destined to become a Hall of Famer worthy of worship is now more likely to end up as just a guy to be vaguely remembered.

>the point is that we are City Hall, not the rich

geez barry maybe 30 gms know something you don’t? like perhaps his catestrophic injuries have finally taken a toll on his ability to play?

you got beat by 30 points in the final and finished 2-3 in group play man come on already with this i like jokic as much as the next person but this response barely makes sense

2013 called they want this post back


*sees giri nathan wrote an identical article on tuesday*

except for the fact that the top 8 players out of that group listed is still deeper than any contending team in the entire nba and they will be coached by pop sooooooo

who cares that you’re a very casual fan i certainly don’t