
lol i love how everyone's talking about this as if it's big news. As if gasoline powered cars have never caught fire after an accident ...

Over nine thousand?

I don't know, but it's unfortunate. I'm cooking up a set of UELs for my speedster so that it will at least have some character to it. I can live with the 5 hp or so i'll lose. I'll gladly trade it for a nice sound.

Yes, actually. The flywheel scatters and knocks holes in whatever it can find. In this case, the crank case was part of it. It really depends on where the pieces go. I've seen enough flywheel explosions (crazy cross). Engines don't really go BANG, they knock a hole in the block, and grind to a halt, or they

Something to try on the diesel focus that matt hated so much. Maybe it'll make it faster. YEAH!!!

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Ya. Very dangerous stuff. Shrapnel can shoot out from the car in all directions, including THROUGH the transmission tunnel into the cabin. That's why drag cars and such usually have scatter shields or reinforced bell housings.

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Ya. Very dangerous stuff. Shrapnel can shoot out from the car in all directions, including THROUGH the transmission tunnel into the cabin. That's why drag cars and such usually have scatter shields or reinforced bell housings.

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Ya. Very dangerous stuff. Shrapnel can shoot out from the car in all directions, including THROUGH the transmission tunnel into the cabin. That's why drag cars and such usually have scatter shields or reinforced bell housings.

Now playing

Ya. Very dangerous stuff. Shrapnel can shoot out from the car in all directions, including THROUGH the tranmission tunnel into the cabin. That's why drag cars and such usually have scatter shields or reinforced bell housings.

Either poop guy is insane, or the owner of the car drives like an idiot through his own neighborhood.

Engine probably didn't blow. The flywheel exploded.

My speedster had 80K on the clock when i bought it. It's fine. Engines are cheap (at least here). The frames don't really wear as such. I replaced all the bushings, engine mounts, etc on the frame. You know, take care of the perishables. They are pretty simple to work on, albeit a bit unconventional if you're

You can disagree with me, and that's fine. The reason why torsen diffs introduce less understeer is that they go open, or neutralize. Try lifting a wheel with a torsen, no more limited slip. Think what you want, though, it doesn't bother me.

That's sad. Early caymans are about half of what a gt86 costs here, maybe a little less. Early boxsters are much cheaper. Elises aplenty, vx220s are rarer, but not super rare. Don't knock the elise S1. It is an utterly brilliant car. You have to remember it has a sub 750 kg CURB weight (fluids and all). The

Thank you for your expert advice.

Front: Very pretty

This is what happens when you let people that wear goat wool socks run things.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Why should you be puzzled? Opinions differ.