Except a sword that isn’t made out of scrap iron.
Except a sword that isn’t made out of scrap iron.
This website sounds like it hosts some great, unbiased reporting.
I’m through with SyFy. Fuck ‘em.
First they took Dark Matter from me, and now they’re taking my beloved Expanse from me. What the hell SyFy?
It hates gay people. A lot.
40%+ of Waco is not white, so I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
On an unrelated note, have y’all seen the comments on the Univision story? They’re fucking wild.
The ratios on the hand-wringing tweets are fucking amazing
Tyranny. I just can’t get more than 15 minutes into it before stopping, and I don’t know why. I haven’t touched it since January.
The fuck is this comment?
I watched this at my barber shop back in December. I don’t know if it was on youtube or if they had one of those VHS bootlegs, but it was fucking wild. The opening scene of the movie was the X-Wings attacking the Death Star scene spliced to have the X-Wings attack Earth.
Its good that they’re letting us know their racist as fuck views before they get to a position of real power.
What would really be funny is if you let me out of the greys. That would be a laugh riot.
Aaron Rodgers is 6-foot-2, as if we needed further evidence that Polian is a fucking moron.
“NFL Teams remain staffed exclusively by stupid assholes,” more at 11.
What be a pirate favorite’s letter?