Hal Was Framed

Hamburger —> Salsbury steak briefly during/after WWI

I kind of tired of his style as well. However having been a victim (as well as numerous friends) of insurance industry shenanigans, Sicko was pretty much on point and very much needed.

+1 for your comment, +100,000 for your avatar/screen name…

Can I call you dad now?

Am I hallucinating here?

The impromptu dance scene towards the end is easily the most horrifying scene in a movie, ever. Elaine ain't got nothing on it.

Well thank God it's them instead of you…

I think that's a moxie moron…

Blah, blah, blah.. There's that persecution myth we just talked about.

While I don't expect them to ape (doh!) the originals, what I felt was missing was the dark, almost existential endings of the originals. Charlton Heston pounding his hands in the sand and realizing he'd been on earth all along (and that we nuked ourselves). The doomsday device blowing up earth at the end of

You're bananas.

Thought the exact same thing when I saw the headline.

Where's O' Superman when you need em?

Ape-rrested Development? "Cornelius Bluth is threatening me!"

Hence the predictable, ham-fisted Camus painfully obvious symbolism.

That was The Police, or as they're now known, Sting.

These are sex people Lynn!

…….of the bald Olympics coming to Birmingham!!!!

I'd like to ask the panel their views on the possibilites……

DAN! DAN! DAN!…………………DAN!