
Would anybody here be interested in more car-toy reviews?

Nikon D850 with a 50mm 1.8 lens.

Meanwhile, my P72 photoshoot took about 20 minutes, and was less a photoshoot and more sneaking into an off-limits tent before getting kicked out, waiting for the car to be driven out into the open, and resorting to shoving small children so I could get detail shots after of interior.

I literally told you what it was in the title. If you read the headline and clicked on it anyway, it’s your fault for being mad about it. 

Your Morgan was made with wood too. Truly the ultimate Jalop.

Hah! Shows what those rubes in Knoxville know. It’s clearly a scalene triangle.

argument seems reasonable, but definitely not an equilateral triangle. More likely isosceles, but probably scalene. :) 

Two things my parents taught me about buying cars is 1.) Never get an automatic when a manual is available, and 2.) Greyscale tones don’t count as a legitimate car color, only hues count.

A bunch of comments have hit various important parts of why a bumper cut might be like that. Let me summarize them in one place:

Want to know how a different set of wheels or tires will affect your diameter and speedo?

They even took out the reverse gear to save weight and get better fuel economy. They sold those extra gears to Ryan Gosling and he put them into his Mustang so he could out run the bad guy in reverse.

Every now and then I fall apart...

The kind of people that were on Google +

I also vibrate like crazy with mechanical stimulus

I do. I’m a professional designer.  What are your qualifications besides a keyboard and an internet connection?  

Think we’re gonna go back to avocado-colored kitchen appliances, too?


Did you find Torchinsky’s stash this morning?

How about a practical hot hatch with literally none of the practicality?