
Yeah I was thinking, “This is not at all unusual.” And getting your birthday off is an old union thing.

What a sad and pathetic society we live in when you have to try this hard to find something to be offended by. Do you clowns have a quota or something?

Race, and racism - explicit and hidden - is a part of everything. Including automotive culture. If you can’t see that, or don’t want to believe that, you’re a part of the problem

bit ironic for you to whine about someone else having a schtick, eh?

I’m reading a book about how people die in Yellowstone, and they start off with a newspaper editorial from 1970 that describes nature as untamed and amoral, which are both excellent words to describe it. Nature does not fuck around, and those who refuse to respect it are extremely lucky if all that happens is they get

City folk. What did you expect.

If you’d read past the headline, you’d see that this news item already covers Holly Hughes’ story.

Not her fucking problem, you creep

thank god you’re here on this story about a child predator to critcize ... *checks notes* ... all Twitter users.

Has Twitter actually ever destroyed anything beyond a reasonable person’s will to live?

We’re polite and reasonably reasonable on a national level, but on a provincial level we’re dumb as shit.

Depends on the province. We’re doing fairly good here in BC, but we’re getting a lot of Albertan’s (The texan’s of Canada) with “summer homes” coming in and flaunting shit. Plus all the American’s tooootally just heading straight to Alaska, super swearsies.... Or the americans trying to sneak over on boats. Or the

Teenagers and early 20s people are universally stupid. An article on CNN basically said as much. Telling kids to stay inside during a pandemic is like telling them to abstain from sex.

Also Reynold’s and Lively just donated 200k to fund a program amplifying Indigenous women leadership in Canada at St Francis Xavier University, which inspired 1 million in other donations. I think Indigenous women are our future in Canada, and I’m eager to see the projects the program will create.

Cry harder, bootlicker. 

Canada, UK, Japan - are 3 nations I can speak of from personal knowledge and experience, that do not, ever, attempt to recruit high school students into the military by going to high schools with recruiters like the US does (nor do I see other nations creating twitch channels to indoctrinate youth into the army).

This always baffled / enraged me. Your miserable nation has no qualms letting a teenager get trained to kill other humans and potentially be shot dead themselves in a war (a massive responsibility for a young boy/girl)... but they aren’t deemed responsible enough to decide whether they should drink alcohol or smoke

They are heinous and prosecuted as such.

Gotta disagree with you there pal

Yeah, no - disagree completely.  The radio stations are wonderful.