If you’re 25 and support the GOP you are either a fucking moron, a rich asshole with rich asshole parents, or a white nationalist. Whichever it is, I have no interest in anything this guy has to say.
If you’re 25 and support the GOP you are either a fucking moron, a rich asshole with rich asshole parents, or a white nationalist. Whichever it is, I have no interest in anything this guy has to say.
The Dunning Kreuger school of politics.
... to say nothing of the vibrant communal bath culture ...
Douchebag chad douchebags his way into a power position, past shows gigantic hypocrisy for self.
I wouldn’t take one single passing mention in an article as typical of the position of all “lefties.”
“We need to be more like the Greeks and the Romans!”
Oh, they don’t. Everyone portrays Canada as the land of the benevolent socialism unicorns, and we do aspire to that as an ideal, but we’ve got our share of asshats. The people vandalizing cars are definitely judgmental asshats.
Well that’s not fair, you have a better brand of Conspiracy Theorists.
Soros’ buses? Around here, he sent a fleet of luxury, stretch limos. We also got paid in Krugerands so that the payments were untraceable.
Yep, Canadians banning american tourists during a pandemic is definitely the same as americans restricting mexican immigration all the time. You sure owned those liberal hypocrites. You are very smart.
To be fair, many Americans are really bad at geography.
Found the ‘Murican, he doesn’t understand the difference between asylum seekers and tourists. Must be all that high quality public edumucation.
I wish I did have a mask back then.
Yes, such terrible persecution you’re fleeing. Sure, there’s a chance you and your whole family could be killed by a cartel in Mexico, but that’s nothing compared to the hell of having to wear a mask in public. They have no idea how easy they’ve got it in Mexico!
As a Canadian: Feel free to vandalize them too, we don’t like the Quebecois either.
I know, right? Given how automatic his actions were and his confusion at my response, my friend and I deduced that this is probably how he’d been having sex since his teens. Arrested sexual development?
Man, I feel bad for the high school kids working at all the theaters he and his ex defiled over the years. Ugh, cleaning that up?
Pretty rude of him to disrespect one of Fincher’s better movies like that.
It was all about the gameplay, to be honest when it comes to gaming I am really not bothered about stories and cinematic experiences especially when it comes at the expense of gameplay, a good story is a nice bonus but when it feels like you a funneled into very linear areas and each playthrough is pretty much the…
“Some fuckin’ master race!”