
*gag* This is like an 80 year old lady caking on her make up and wearing a miniskirt to try and gain relevance in the dating market of 30 year-olds.

Now THIS is fact. 

Correct. The F150 is still fugly, just not as fugly.

My only experience with one of these is a friend’s H3 from 6 years ago. It was at least 5 years old then and the rattles, creaks, and other assorted noises coming from the plastics inside, and just about everywhere else, told me then that I wanted nothing to do with these shitboxes. It’s even more true now. CP.

Not like I can afford it, and even if I could, no thanks. 

Gremlin. Every day. Twice on Sunday. 

Now I want a Super 8 camera. 

My cousin’s husband loves these things. I have to wonder if he’s ever owned one. I did. They’re crap.

Another reason GM sucks. 

Bring that classy shit back.


No they don’t. Fight me. 

“Free World” Country...


As a former NY resident, Fuck NYC

Weight is one thing when it’s attached to a rolling skeleton, but mass attached to metal body panels on the sled that can actually hit the car in the doors is another.

There’s a really good reason they’re only showing the footage of it ‘defending’ the car from an inflatable and not showing the footage of what happens when a real car hits it.

How about putting them on a car that can actually put them through their paces, instead?


The other scumbag POS politician in NY (D-bag Cuomo), in charge of the Subway, is no better than this scumbag POS politician.