

Even the indestructible Chevettes had their breaking point, but only after a tremendous amount of abuse... er “use”... I loved my light blue ‘83 2 door.

POS then. POS now.

Exactly. Modern Day Feudalism.

Hooray Freedom!!!

No thanks

I’m a free American. I have all the licenses and permits to rpove it.

All 3 Detroit truck makers have screwed up their front ends. They all look stupid now.

Great article, Sean! Now I want one, for sure!

Achy Brakey Heart? Really? That’s the reference you’re going to use?

case in point... every other CUV/SUV...

It looks like just about every other CUV/SUV on the road... *yawn*

More like bringing the 90’s back with that styling...

I loved my HHR while I had it. It fit my life at the time. I had it for 7 years. It was reliable and never had a single issue with it... not one issue. I would have loved to have the SS version. This is a good deal.


FU Allstate...

Thanks for the memories.

“Think of the children” is always the fear mongering rallying cry for all sorts of bullshit.

“Why is it that the harder you try and kill a car, the harder it clings to life?”

Is it wrong that I have a weird boner now?