
The "thx" moment is also good continuity with the episode that showed how different Holt's sister is from him (and how much that bothers him).

This might be enough for me to keep watching

Whoa. Did not piece that together until reading this now (I'm at episode 7)

It would be fun if they did that the first few episodes, then around the fourth or fifth one:

Someone was wrong on the internet! I must go back in time to correct them

It would be funny/interesting if they did this at the end of each episode, but in the fourth or fifth one Jiya says "What's Wikipedia?"

Possibly better than James Earl Jones because of ridiculousness: Trump quotes interpreted by Zapp Brannigan.https://www.youtube.com/results?sea…

The puzzle is usually about whether a treadmill could prevent an actively-running plane from moving forward, not if it could cause a an otherwise-stationary one to travel fast enough to take off.

"Just because one door was removed doesn't retroactively change the probability that you chose the correct door when there were three."

The new Jianyu-is-Jason development definitely suggests a Trevor return in one or two episodes.

Is it established that Chidi's never been in love? He had a partner of some sort in the flashbacks.

Heck I don't think this episode suggested it either, just future conflict (which could be set in a courtroom as much as anything).

It's not technically/literally a date rape joke, but it has a non-coincidental resemblance to the form of many rape apologetics; Trevor is a parody of that sort of douchiness.

"how could [Jason] have, for example, made it through say 40 of [his terrible plans] and come out unharmed?"

When I read this I initially thought you were referring to the show's supernatural flying (perhaps answering another comment's question about why we never saw it happen after the second chapter). So now I wonder if that sort of barefoot flying would be considered uncouth in the Good Place.

This is really old but I'll reply to it anyway. I used to think that was the origin of the term: "nuclear" families because they were dominant in the "nuclear" era.

Whoa, this made me realize Holt didn't mean Bob's surname has three Ns in a row, just an extra one somewhere. Now I feel I laughed too much, since I'd assumed it was straight-up absurdsm (perhaps intended to contrast with Bob's plainness, like Rosa's lemons contradict her toughness).

I could definitely see Pimento doing this as a way to test whether his friends have his back, or would be good in a crisis. It was a little odd for his paranoia to be so justified, but then again it's a paranoia based on his actial experience.

For all a true cooking novice knows, maybe salt and oregano "cook down" and evaporate or something.

The episode should have somehow brought Boyle in to recognize the recipe problem (and then it could have been something especially obscure, I can hear him saying "You never add the oregano before the salt! Who made this recipe, a child?"). Contributing to the case would have partially redeemed his overdone mourning