
Wednesday: I don’t want to be in the pageant.

Honest question... what does that even mean at this point? “Star Trek” like the original series?
I first got into Trek from TNG. Saw a couple eps of ToS, never had any real interest. Liked the movies a lot though. TNG only really got good when they STOPPED trying to be like “Star Trek.” But as far as “Star Trek” goes,

I thought movies had primarily been a mass-produced entertainment-like product since they were first invented, and any resemblance to Art™ was purely coincidental.

The first thing the new owner is going to do is burn his white New Balance on the sidepipe...

Did you channel McManus from “Usual Suspects”?

It’s that last part that’s the most fascinating: the Hellcat’s days are numbered, not because consumers don’t want them, but it’ll come down to those engines being regulated out of existence.

Who could have possibly seen this coming?

Capaldi is possibly my favorite modern Doctor. Heaven Sent might be the single best episode of the show since the revival.

Davies and Moffat were at their best two of the best writers working in British television. We were lucky to get 10 seasons from them.

The Chibnall era of Who has been pleasant enough that I still got a little choked up watching the Doctor bid one final farewell to her fam.

It’s a running car for $700. Run it for a year if you’re lucky with oil top offs every few hundred miles and when it dies sell it for scrap and lose a few hundred on the deal. Cheaper than a rental or a car payment even if you only get a few months out of the deal. NP.

Also: Go fuck someone who does find you desirable!

If this had been “white guy with camo shorts and an Under Armor hat” they’d have had to call for backup with all the handcuffs they’d need.

Those are very boring story threads that the casual fans (of which this show has many!) will not care about.

Baby Salacious Crumb

I like Michael Burnham, I’m just sick of her. They could learn from next generation and feature the rest of the crew once in a while.

If I had a million dollars, I’d buy the green dress first.

FEARS: You’re long distance, you were her first and now she wants to try other chicks? Just break up now it’ll be less painful for both of you.

It’s both simultaneously. It is the most significant family event of the year for many, and for everyone it’s a useless holiday in the sense that you can hold the exact same event later when it’s safer. Like, birthdays are very significant to me. But when my husband had a conference scheduled over my birthday it

What about going to Germany to buy a shit-box van as a goof? Where does that rank in terms of necessity, above or bellow seeing one’s family for the first time in 8 months?