
In her defense, she was BORN here! She knows that counts. 

I dunno, thinking about your mom’s hands usually helps me

I feel like that whole “No depictions of him ever or woe unto you” thing probably hurts Muhammad in the fame department vs. Jesus who, say what you will, knew how to brand.

That Salisbury steak comment hit too close to home. Hey, that family-size microwaveable tray was on sale at Marc’s!

The commercial in the comments is AMAZING

He's probably just economically anxious.  

“Breaking News: Albuquerque Police Officer Eats at Burger King for the First Time”

“the patties were burnt and the burger was of very poor quality.”

no, fuck him, he deserves his fate. when my comment posts with my story you can read the whole account, but hes basically a fucking hoarder with a dog in the manger mentality and no respect for anyone. he hoarded the cars with no real intention of doing anything other than just having all the pieces. he would rather

Oh gawd the girl with the philly accent jus chewing out our beaten man too

Ive eaten at the sexless hooters, but it was called buffalo wild wings.   Way to enter an oversaturated market.

I think a “chunkier Reese Witherspoon” is called a Reese’s Witherspoon.

Wally’s mother spoke to KPAX

If the next one isn’t called “Fast 10 Your Seatbelts”, then there is no justice. 

Things like this are gonna end up killing the golden goose if you will. But they all agreed on the refund before he actually won anything so don’t see why there’s a court case here. Seems to me had he only won say $5000, these 2 guys wouldn’t be taking anyone to court.

Having dabbled in Being Mad, he can now return to Not Being Mad and Just Thinking It’s Funny with a new perspective. He’s not saying anything, but it does make you think.

Eh, if she wants to earn some money, learn some important skills, start to build a resume AND sit in a temperate climate, have her start as a teller at a bank/credit union. Some of them will start kids as young as 16 and it looks far better on a resume if she’s looking at white collar careers. Also cuts down on the

Not if he’s decertified in the state.

And you did it the right way.

Tulo and Scherzer are the inevitable Cardinals that never were.