
Oh gawd the girl with the philly accent jus chewing out our beaten man too

Ive eaten at the sexless hooters, but it was called buffalo wild wings.   Way to enter an oversaturated market.

I think a “chunkier Reese Witherspoon” is called a Reese’s Witherspoon.

Wally’s mother spoke to KPAX

If the next one isn’t called “Fast 10 Your Seatbelts”, then there is no justice. 

Things like this are gonna end up killing the golden goose if you will. But they all agreed on the refund before he actually won anything so don’t see why there’s a court case here. Seems to me had he only won say $5000, these 2 guys wouldn’t be taking anyone to court.

Having dabbled in Being Mad, he can now return to Not Being Mad and Just Thinking It’s Funny with a new perspective. He’s not saying anything, but it does make you think.

Eh, if she wants to earn some money, learn some important skills, start to build a resume AND sit in a temperate climate, have her start as a teller at a bank/credit union. Some of them will start kids as young as 16 and it looks far better on a resume if she’s looking at white collar careers. Also cuts down on the

Not if he’s decertified in the state.

And you did it the right way.

Tulo and Scherzer are the inevitable Cardinals that never were. 


Yeah, Tulo was always one of those guys you thought would look great in your team’s uni.

This is a better joke than finding out what’s really in your Coke.

Joule thief!

Juat responding to that gif, that shouldn’t be hard to banish from the NFL.

A classic case of “I don’t have to outrun the bison; I only have to outrun you.”

And the bison was saying “weird flex but, eh fuck you kid - yeet!”

I believe the correct jargon used by the kids these days is, “yeet”

The Flames leaving Calgary is one of the most hollow threats imaginable. While the Flames aren’t an iconic franchise on the level of the Leafs or Canadiens (ie., franchises that would never move under virtually any circumstance) they’re basically the next step down as they’re the most popular team in Western Canada. No