
We have a dog named Jack, and I like to address him in Geoffrey Rush voice: “Jaaaaackkkk”

In my experience, the largest audience for Criminal Minds is young women aged 18-26. Shemar Moore helps (or Mandy Patinkin, if you have daddy issues). My 19-year old has seen the entire run many times over.

I owned two Saturns, one an Actual Saturn and the other a rebadged GM Saturn. The dealer experience was actually excellent. It says something about the cars though that after the rebadged one was totaled I got a Mazda to replace it.

Daleks are boring. The “most evil and destructive creatures in the universe”...who are now about 0 for a million against the Doctor and always relatively easily defeated. There is never any real sense that the Daleks are going to win this time. And for implacable killing machines, Daleks are very easily put off by

At one time, I didn’t think that a running, driving car could be worth zero dollars. But here we are.

I sometimes feel like I’m the only one who thought the first book was pretty terrible even at the time it came out. The writing was amateurish, the main character was thoroughly unlikeable—all it had going for it was “Hey! I remember that too!” 

With my gf’s son home from college, leftovers going bad was never going to be a problem.

Mine is right at 140K, and still seems to be going strong. 

1) I’m not really sure if you’re responding to me or to someone else. In any case it’s not really clear what you’re talking about.

What I have had to come to terms with over the last four years is that being angry at these people is a waste. It won’t change their minds, or their behavior. In fact, there is a percentage of them that is doing it specifically because they have been told they shouldn’t. It’s not clear if you are angry at these people

I would agree with you, EXCEPT that one of the reasons why Thanksgiving is the biggest travel time of the year is that the four-day weekend makes it ideal for entire extended families to get together without anyone having to burn vacation days. I am not advocating travel—my family has entirely discarded the usual

A lot of people have already died. I think you, and perhaps the author of the article, are looking at this problem the wrong way. Like it or not, for various reasons (not all of which can be blanket categorized as “selfish”), some people are going to make the decision to travel. There is nothing, short of completely

Yes, a few years ago I bought a used car from a Mercedes-Benz dealer, and it may have been the most pleasant car-buying experience of my life. 

“useless holiday” to you; “most significant family event of the year” for many other people.

Back in the summer, my gf planned a trip for January, perhaps overly optimistically. Now, faced with current conditions that likely are not going to be better by January, do we go ahead with the trip or just kiss hundreds/thousands of dollars goodbye? Most people’s Thanksgiving travel plans are not spur-of-the-moment,

Why does Walmart, with its terrible labor relations and stores full of cheap disposable crap, dominate the retail landscape? Volume, baby!

If we were never permitted to enjoy art from someone who had been an asshole about something at some point, there would be no art.

There is one problem with taking this plan national. And that is that there are very few “true believers” in the upper ranks of the Democratic Party who have the vision and long-term focus to see this through. The Democratic Party is led by vaguely well meaning technocrats and dealmakers, and they have a very strong

This show’s relationship with technology in general is dumb. The Burn, for example. You’re telling me, that 700 years later, there have been ZERO advances in warp technology and everyone is still using dilithium? That makes absolutely no sense at all. That would be like moving from sailing ships to steam power...and

If you’ve paid even minimally reasonable attention to what’s been going on the last 3.5 years, and you still vote for Trump, I can have no respect for you. Can I fuck someone I don’t respect? Sure. Be in a relationship with them? No.