
My grandparents have a fake tree that they leave up year round, fully decorated. They just put a giant plastic bag over it and shove it the corner from Jan 6-December 1.

Yes, children have definitely never seen butts before and don’t know what they are. They would probably die from shock.

Probably totally unrelated (ha!) but Lyft recently put out a mandatory series of training videos (about 20 minutes total) for drivers on avoiding “uncomfortable situations.” You had to watch it or you couldn’t drive.

Look, if you spend any time at all around the legal system you will quickly learn that being a judge does not make one smart, or wise. Some are, to be sure; some believe themselves to be much smarter than the average bear by virtue of wearing a black robe. Many are simply bureaucratic functionaries (one judge told me

He was 100 percent both aware of its pre-WWII usage, and using it ironically himself.

Reminds me of an uncle, greeting me at a family function after I had noticeably packed on some weight: “Well, you’re looking...prosperous.” As savage a putdown as I’ve ever been subject to.

You have to think that The Root’s days are numbered.

I think it would be extremely silly. “The government says our product is JUST TOO DAMN DELICIOUS. Please feel free to try one of our low-flavor competitors across the aisle.” People don’t really need to be told that bacon, hot dogs, brownies, etc. are not good for them, and slapping a label like “hyperpalatable” on

BTW, love the username

My daily round trip commute is more than 50 miles. Its not uncommon for me to drive 150+ miles in a day.

The Root better be careful with stories like these, lest you get a memo to “stick to black stuff.” 

The thing that I like best about David Roth writing about Trump is that he writes it at such a level that, if Trump were ever actually arsed to read it, he could not possibly comprehend it. Unlike the Boaster-in-Chief, David really does have the best words.

The player in Xhaka’s role needs to be able to provide some cover for that awful central defense...and he isn’t it. 

Note: I am a lawyer. This opinion is a prime example of why trying cases is, almost always, a bad idea. Not only do you run the risk of the judgment of 12 people who weren’t able to get out of jury duty, but you also run the risk of appeals, decided by judges who likely have very little in the way of recent “real

This is a $500 car. Maybe, assuming the underneath isn’t rusted into oblivion.

My best minimum-wage job was working for a property management company, doing light maintenance/landscape work at a bunch of strip malls. I had absolutely no on-site supervision, which meant that my day typically went: 1) arrive at main strip mall at 7 a.m., pick up some trash, set up sprinklers in grassy areas. Go to

Well, there is that. There is also the fact that American schools teach very little at all about China, much less discuss these very specific political issues. If you’re my age, you learned about Tibetan freedom from the Beastie Boys and Rage Against the Machine.

I think there is a very, very, long way between “find a place on a map” and the very specific political positions that this guy is talking about, and the idea that those things are systematically taught in American schools, or talked about in American homes on anything like a broad scale, is ludicrous.

so many Americans are taught from a young age that Taiwan is its own country, that Hong Kong, Macau and Tibet should split off

And this is why impeachment is valuable, even if it is never going to result in removal. It keeps these rats scurrying the entire time it is going on (which is why “let’s move it quickly” is a bizarre and terrible idea).