Lenin's Borscht

It may be a nightmare but surely explain absence by throwaway line.

You have to admit, it's less incestrous than Cersei and Jamie knocking boots.

*golf clap*

Jon: I am above the law!! *combs over hair*

Was he at the Battle of the Bastards too? I've already forgotten. I don't think he was. Maybe he was left at the wall for some reason? Maybe to head straight for Jon if the WW came?


And here's to you Mrs Targaryen, Jon Snow knows nothing at all, oh no no no.

Wildfire doesn't melt Valyrian Steel!

Nor do I. All that flammable material….and a giant bonfire on top if it.

I have a horrid feeling Ser Pounce is going to be a dragon's hors d'oeuvre.


He's my second favourite. I fondly remember his battle cry Hot Pie.

A whole season and I still don't know what happened to Gendry.

You. +5/7 internets.

You get two chickens for that zinger.

I thought they made Balon like Euron in the books and then Euron as Victarion.

Well I'd root for any man who'd eat two chickens too.

*Sam murders playwrights in Oldtown and gets murdered by the Alchemist because GRRM hates other writers and fans of Sam.


Aerys wanting to burn them all a mad psychosis of visions of the white walkers?