“Weird Al” Yankovic has expanded his abilities to parody.
“Weird Al” Yankovic has expanded his abilities to parody.
City Animals is my new favorite team. Deadspin should hire “Young sports blogger” if they haven't already.
It really was a beautiful night, though. Royals Santa stuck around and blue all the kids.
Please do clarify when online threats are actually threats. Bill Stanley is probably, in fact, a dick, but it turns out that the “I’m going to beat your ass the next time I see you” post is actually a little over the line towards being threatening. There are a multitude of circumstances when we would suggest that it…
“All vegans are awful SO LET’S SHIT ON THEM” is frequently a trope meat-eaters* like to bust out for a variety of reasons, virtually all of which are ultimately both self-serving and self-aggrandizing.
“which in most cases doesn’t include abortions.”
civilians murdered by cops 900
Yeah, because urban New Jersey is such a crime free paradise. Your students go on to become rapists and murderers and you think your inability to discipline them is a good thing?
While I absolutely acknowledge that police and the justice system do target black people with particularly violent and harsh treatment — that’s an unavoidable fact — we should also make sure we remember that the problem of police brutality (and a justice system that covers for it) doesn’t stop there.
What is this mastubatory bullshit, Greg? Again, the fucking spectre of “disproportionate representation” rears its head, with statistics being used with no context as to their meaning beyond apparently justifying in this article the statement “blacks are presumed criminal from birth”.
Greg, why don’t you become a teacher at a predominantly black school?
Can someone please describe how the officer SHOULD have removed this insubordinate student from the classroom? She was gripping the desk and wasnt letting go. Her disruption of the class is completely unfair to the students that actually want to learn.
Am I the only one who has noticed that none of the kids in the class reacted? It was as if they were saying to themselves, “thank God that stupid Bitch is out of here.”
At one point, there were four other officers he operated with. They were called, “The Ben Fields’ Five.”
“Will a day come when the race will detect the funniness of these juvenilities and laugh at them—and by laughing at them destroy them? For your race, in its poverty, has unquestionably one really effective weapon—laughter. Power, Money, Persuasion, Supplication, Persecution—these can lift at a colossal humbug,—push it…
We live in a world where the Israeli PM hates Muslims SO MUCH that he’s willing to blame them for steering Hitler toward Holocaust.