

Seven religious institutions are lobbying the Supreme Court to keep from having to cover birth control for their employees.

Are you always this overwrought when people disagree with you?

It would have been a lovely gesture.

Well, no, he said it was bad for the pro-Life movement, and he’s correct.

White Christian pro-Life police officer, as a matter of fact.

You’re a fucking moron.

It’s almost as though somebody who opens fire on a bunch of strangers isn’t thinking rationally.

Who exactly has said that?

“The pro-lifer types who are celebrating this...”

That’s really fucking stupid.

Yeah, Prince sure knows how to write ‘em.

She is neither talented nor brave, and something most people forget is that she apologized to the pope in the late 90s, and referred to her gesture as the action of a rebellious child, or something to that effect.

Her character?

What did the police say when Stoya took her allegations to them?

Nonsense. It’s not an employer’s job to provide your every need, cradle to grave.

It is ridiculous.

What did the police say when she brought her allegations to them?

And let’s not forget Christian pro-Lifer Garrett Swasey, who was an elder at his church...