
Someone has a differing opinion, you just dismiss it as ridiculous

Which actually doesn’t change the fact that he’s “getting all the love” is drastically, demonstrably false, so... nice try.

No, most people didn’t “respond the way you did.” A much greater number recommended what I wrote.




but you’re still knowingly putting the general public in massive danger... and to me, that’s the same thing as intent to harm.


You’re not too good at this whole “making sense in English” thing, are you?

Your way is asinine, and you’re embarrassing yourself.


What I have said is that when you get behind the wheel of a vehicle while drunk, you willfully and intentionally are putting other humans in the way of harm

And really, it’s more like “I don’t want to hurt people and I’ve convinced myself that I won’t.”

You should learn to read a bit more carefully.

So, it wouldn’t have accomplished anything.


If they canceled the game everybody would recover?

Why would they cancel the football game?

Treating sex as something done for one’s own gratification, and not for the gratification of everybody involved, is cheapening it.

You wrote that porn cheapens sex. I wrote that being ignorant of porn wouldn’t make sex more than what it has always been: Available. Easy to get. Easy to find. Easy to do.