lena dunhams boobs

I mean there are more than just this on expansion.

Its VERY much nostalgia as someone who was around back then... especially when you look at it from the standpoint lots of people still did not have computers that could play things like Marathon, Doom, Unreal, or Quake back then, or the ability to play online or on a LAN, but LOTS of friends had game consoles like the

You deserved it for such a ridiculous comment.

Actually the real lesson here is this is why lack of regulation is bad. We should be regulating the SHIT out of companies... there is literally no for-profit on this earth that would not enslave children and kill old people if they thought they could get away with it for a profit.

legally not allowed to just use images off the internet in a journalistic capacity moron.

Just a reminder, Republicans are the key hold up from preventing legitimate title loan reform just like they were with pay day loans.

The engine compartment is actually sized to fit a land rover V6 which was an intended engine upgrade that never came to pass. There are plenty of articles and blogs on how to add a fuel injected Land Rover engine into it.

NP... my parents got 3 grand for their non-running half in pieces late model MGB 2 years ago... 4 grand for one in this condition is a STEAL.

To be fair, the punching incident being the last straw, given what came out about how far the BBC had pushed the whole crew and treated them like shit, there was a valid reason there for people to champion him returning.

See also India which has its own class-caste problems THANKS to the Brits. 


Its literally considered one of the best controllers ever made, FOR ANY SYSTEM.

shaking fan is just as easily fixed by balancing the blades... Most people never do that part.

Except these are not bladeless, you just cant see the blade dumbass.

yeah but 1983... There wasnt much there that equates to....good.

Thats actually hilariously one of the retro charms of it for anyone who has ever driven the 40's and 50's cars it was modeled after. You can thank modern infrastructure and the stupidity of thinking every road needs traffic lights high enough to let full semi’s down the road.

Except its been proven in recent years those legacy media platforms actually filtered out a lot of the crazy too. Shit like Trump simply could not have happened had Social Media not propelled him into a topic the legacy outlets had to cover. He would have died in the debates. His antics and clips posted to twitter and

Seattle isnt even up there.

These prolife communities are so steeped in conspiracy theories and misinformation around abortion, and magical thinking about pregnancy and childbirth, it’s no wonder they’re also susceptible Q-Anon and Trumpist thinking.

They have been trying... fuckers like you prevent them from doing that too.