
@Deaf Mute: or an external Usb hard drive..That about covers it

Now playing

Brazil:at least they tried to keep their hope up after that world cup loss

@martialbullet: no i'm not working for the security.. but i know they guy who runs some of the events..just look for a friendly attendant it may be me it may not

@legendnthemaking: well TNA is like thew D-2 college powerhouse which wants to be D-1 and doesn't realize what it got its self into.. buys all the coaches and top recruiters too quickly and loses it all before they know it... yep they will die in 2 years

Now playing

A proper commercial for a proper player..and no need for hulkiaid either

@sackboy14:you got to finish things im sorry...

@Thorax: i promise you will will see some hooligans with those blasted things at NFL games this season

@dowingba: Football.. and not the one with pads

@Shiryu: The Spanish Futbol inquisition???

@brixish: well said but did you hear about the turn out this year..soccer is getting more and more interesting in the states..now we just have to wait 20 damn years tell its up to the level of post season basketball..

@Parsifal: Too bad he wasn't in a aquarium in Spain.. Or he would be a god..

Sadness.. we will be back

@Lemstring:my bad for the double i got distracted