
My 3 daughters are the same (throw in Gremlins and Ghostbusters to round out the set). When pressed to give me their all-time favorite movies, they said Beetlejuice, Willy Wonka (Wilder Wonka, naturally), and Flash Gordon.

And since this article features Dwayne the Rock, let’s not forget Jumanji. Not a direct adaptation of an existing game, it was more a movie about video games in general.

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Hey hey! One of my all-time favorite Kpop vids! This song and video are energetic and cinematic on so many levels, I truly consider it one of The Greats.

We can disagree on the particulars (no cheese? fuck that nonsense) but I am confused why the core concept here is so controversial. Money devoted specifically to Supplemental Nutrition shouldn’t be used on junk that has no nutrition. Just because it fills your stomach, doesn’t mean that a candy bar is food. America

That’s cool, I actually just got my first pen recently on a trip to Oregon to visit family. It was an interesting new way to indulge, at least until the battery crapped out. I’ll probably invest in a higher-quality device next time I’m out on the West coast.

Can I get a maybe?

Before replying earlier, I actually searched for a concrete definition of prestige TV, but no two sources seemed to agree. So, in the spirit of our modern age, I just made one up and tried to sound confident in coming to my (completely arbitrary) conclusion.

LOL, fair enough. How about: ”this story, which happened over 20 years ago and involves a mind-altering substance, is accurate to the best of my recollection.”

Let’s all agree now - if there is no Thanoscopter, we riot in the theater and burn the muthafucka down.

I don’t really know the “dictionary definition” of prestige TV, but thinking about Altered Carbon:

Maybe we have different definitions of “prestige TV”, but I think Altered Carbon absolutely qualifies.  

Dude, I’ve got a great story (and it is actually 100% truth). I got stuck without a way home visiting an ex-girlfriend’s college campus, and had to score a ride (a couple of hours’ drive) with some random guy she knew in exchange for gas money. Travis, I think his name was. We made it back to Minneapolis just fine,

Dude, I’ve got a great story (and it is actually 100% truth). I got stuck without a way home visiting an ex-girlfriend’s college campus, and had to score a ride (a couple of hours’ drive) with some random guy she knew in exchange for gas money. Travis, I think his name was. We made it back to Minneapolis just fine,

My 7-year-old daughter thinks Beetlejuice is the best movie ever. However, she is certainly more mature (and has a darker sense of humor) than the average kid, so YMMV.

After reading this pathetic comment, I deleted all of your albums. Sad!

I started looking for tickets less than 3 hours after they went on sale, and opening night at my theater of choice was already sold out. The early show on Friday night only had a few scattered seats available at the edges, but we managed to get good seats for the 10:30 show. Since that’s already past my wife’s

And people stating “here, here!” when they want to reinforce a point they agree with. I get why it’s confusing, since we are reading these words instead of actually hearing them, but still... 

Exactly! It was all puppies and rainbows until 2016, everyone knows that.

Human decency is graded on a curve these days.

You keep saying that the kiss was out of left field, and I keep wondering if you even watched the show this season. Max’s main interaction with any of the characters was with Lucas, and they had a steadily deepening connection. Lucas was the first to fully trust her and reveal all the shit that went down in Season 1.