“When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get.”
“When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get.”
I was lucky, in a way, in that our first kids were twins and co-sleeping was never even an option. They also had each other as company for a long time, until they were big enough to need separate beds. So they never slept in our bed, not even once, and we never had any trouble at all getting the next kid to follow…
Woof, that’s a rough ride you’re on, my friend. I’m so sorry to hear about your situation, that’s genuinely heartbreaking. I’m lucky in that there is only one member of my family who turned out to be a racist conservative Trump-voter. Unfortunately, it was my grandmother. It’s been hard to reconcile my current…
For obvious reasons, I decided that instead of starring your comment I am going to compose a reply indicating my agreement. Done.
I am also a Saint Paul resident, and though I don’t usually follow local politics that closely I was very happy to see the results last week. I’m so happy for Ms. Jenkins! Melvin Carter seems like a really good dude, too.
I have three kids of about the same age, and inevitably whenever there is uncertainty or a question about anything I have to answer it three times. This habit has gone from odd, to annoying, to deeply frustrating, and now back around to fucking comical.
I feel like 90s-era KFC missed a big opportunity by not trying to partner with KLF for an awesome ad campaign.
Think “A.D.” versus “B.C.”
2016 conditioned me to think that whenever I see a celebrity’s name in my news feed, they must have died. 2017 is now getting me to think that whenever I see a celebrity’s name they must have been involved in serial harassment and/or sexual abuse. It’s a goddamn relief when I find out that all they did was make a…
When a reality-TV star got elected to the highest office in the land, pop culture became politics and politics became pop culture. Try to keep up.
Ohh dude, it’s sooo easy.
Dismiss away bud, if it makes you feel like a tough guy.
I’m not sure if you are failing to understand me or if you just have a high-sodium diet. But hey, I’m bored so I’ll try to explain it again and I’ll try to be courteous (whether you deserve it or not).
The attention span of the American Media Engine is decaying like unstable radioactive material; the half-life just gets shorter and shorter the further we go on. last week the media told us that guns were the worst thing in the world, and the week before that it was hurricanes and climate change. This week the worst…
I’m not sure I understand your criticism of when to make jokes about current events. Isn’t the time to do that when the events are still, y’know, current?
Yeah, that’s true. I usually only grabbed one or two things, with one notable exception. I had requested a day off at one point, and because my manager was a dipshit he forgot to change the schedule. Because I was a wimp, I let him talk me into coming in to work my shift anyway even though I didn’t get any sleep the…
When I was in high school I also worked a crappy fast food job, but instead of McD’s it was Dairy Queen. Unfortunately, we never had anything worth stealing (making myself and sometimes my friends a free blizzard at the end of each shift didn’t count).
As pathetic as it is, they could probably make serious bank selling them on eBay.
True, that isn’t the same thing. However, it does indicate that opinions on it vary along a spectrum, instead of what we’ve been taught our whole lives about “traditional” marriage - that cheating is the Worst Thing Ever and it will destroy your marriage and your life forever. As far as I’m concerned, that idea is an…
Yeah, have to agree with that. A dalliance is one thing, but that guy led a whole double life for years. Regardless of whatever understanding he mayor may not have with his wife, he treated the LW like garbage. People should just be honest with each about what they want, it would save so much harm in the long run.