
Delightful. Thanks for the steaming hot cup of nightmare fuel.

I have had a touch of the arachnophobia ever since childhood, but I realized some years ago that centipedes are much creepier. Ever since I saw a battle between a spider and a centipede in my basement one day I came to truly understand the war that these two species are locked into (and also the need to clean my

I'm going through this very issue right now. You know how they say that parents get more lax in their discipline with each successive kid? It's totally true. With my first two kids, I was exceedingly careful about what I let them watch because nightmares were a real concern. Now that I'm on my third kid (all

Zombie Ed Wood is the only one I can imagine who could pull it off.

Charlie Jane... kudos. Bill Shakespeare has got nothin' on you.

It's funny you should mention that. When I was given a copy of Neverwhere many years ago, it was described to me as "a poor man's Weaveworld". After reading it I'm not sure I entirely agree, but I can certainly see the similarities.

It sure doesn't hurt that she's super-hot and has an amazing singing voice, too.

This documentary looks right up my alley. I too am a total nerd for voice talent, it has become a bit of an obsession. Almost without fail, about 3 minutes into a new show I have to pause it, and get on the internet to check imdb or [voicechasers.com] to see who did that voice. I'm right about 98% of the time, too.

Sadly, I can also say that I fit into that category. I remember going to the theater with my Dad, and saying "I haven't heard anything about this one, but the first Highlander was good, so let's go see this!" When we left, he was pissed off. I mean actually, actively, pissed off. He even used the whole "that's an hour

I saw an interview with Barrowman in which they actually asked him about his accent. He explained his origin story and slipped into an effortless Scottish brogue as an example of how he talks around his family. It was *fascinating*. It reminded me of a friend I have who has lived here in the Midwest for years and

I'm got exactly the same problem. It seems that whenever I really get into a show, it gets cancelled immediately. It has gotten to the point now where I usually wait until a show has had its entire run, and I watch it on DVD afterwards. I waited until Fringe and Community were both fully into their third seasons

The fact that the new companion will be an attractive young lass doesn't bother me in the slightest. Is it original? No, not really. This is a show, after all, coming up on its FIFTIETH year. They have their formulas, and they keep returning to those formulas because they work.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I personally think that Rory's recurring "death" has become a nice bit of comic relief in what was otherwise some pretty heavy drama surrounding the Ponds.

Since there has been so very little crossover between the Davies and Moffat eras, I would be EXTREMELY surprised to see John Simm reappear. *Maybe* on the 50th Anniversary Special. But that's a big *maybe*.

I don't really know enough about how Seaworld treats its animals to comment on it. I have heard a number of people saying that they are very cruel, but I've never been there so I don't have any firsthand knowledge. However, the very idea that these animals could be granted the same rights as humans could set a bizarre

My wife has a theory that the memory loss associated with sleep deprivation during the first few months of having a new baby causes us to gloss over how difficult it truly is, which is the only thing that allows us to actually WANT to have more kids. In our case, we had twins followed by another baby about 16 months

Zounds! I had no idea Matt Ruff was coming out with a new book. And this one sounds fascinating!

For all that I have heard people refer to "The VALIS Trilogy" I just don't see it. I have read all three books in this supposed-trilogy, but they seem no more or less connected than any of Dick's other works. VALIS was one of the first of his books I ever read, and I was eager to dive into The Divine Invasion. I

Oh, you know what is was? Memory cards. The PS2 I had was not compatible with PS1 memory cards, and I could only save my progress by playing on the old console. I think that was it.

I was an absolute freak for Parasite Eve 2. I held on to my dusty old PSX far longer than I should have, just to play that game since the PS2 was not backwards compatible. PE 2 taught me to use the term "neotenized" in a sentence.