
Aw, man! That clip edited out the part where Dracula totally bones Vitamin C on the ceiling! Best part about that movie (admittedly, not saying much, but there you have it).

@samaside: No, wait. It's bearantula.

Way deep down inside of me, in a place that I'm ashamed to admit is even there, something is forcing me to admit, to you as well as myself, that maybe, sort of, just possibly, "Horns of the Nimon" is my favorite Doctor Who episode *ever*. Not that I think it's any good, oh great Zombie Jesus no, it's not even a little

@eviladrian: You! You meddlesome hussy!! Do not touch the sacrifices!!!

@sans_fi: Okay, let me get this straight. You make a disgusting, mysogynistic comment, and then when someone calls you out on it, you tell them to "Lighten up a little"? Clearly, you yourself have never been raped, or had any family or friends which this has happened to, otherwise you would realize that it is

@Traveshamockery: I feel your pain, dude. The best part about that movie was the scene that got deleted, where Ahnold has a southern-goober accent.

@kivel: Davros? Frighteningly campy? ...NAAAWWW...

@closeencounter: Hey, i don't swing that way either, but I'm still happy to confirm. Hotter with the accent.

@bjp2592000: It's cool to know that a director grew up in the same times as you, and has the same frames of reference.

@ngallion: I couldn't take my eyes off of it!