Harry Potter's 11" Wand

Woah. Cannot unsee.

It would be more contextually appropriate if they sandwiched the bottle between a man's toned buttcheeks.

I cannot wait until this song dies.

Who is this fuckbag with the giant, negative fishing lure?

Okay THAT was hot.

This made me laugh! And NO you should NOT feel bad.

Just did an image search for Michael Fassbender's dong.

Girl knows what's up. She's a NYTimes bestselling author, too. I wish I had half her success.

They could be twins.

Ooooh. 'Savages' looks good. Maybe Blake Lively will be good in this.

Where is my sparkly man?

Adam Sandler is so awkward. Probably because he stayed exactly like this for the past decade.

AWESOME. I'm so getting this for mrpoww!

I'm jeal you got to see that show! I've heard really good things about it.

I've never even heard of Project X.

OMG I didn't see this thread here. I must say... Andrew Garfield is SO hot.

OMG! Thank you for telling me. I was really limiting myself but now I'm going on that post and will be ALLL OBNOXIOUS AND SHIT. YAY.

Josh Hutcherson unhotted himself for MTV. :(

Is Katy Perry in the audience?

Ahahahaha. Now I'm totally going to watch the MTV awards. And I'll be commenting on it all night long most likely. You've been warned.