Harry Potter's 11" Wand

That was one of my favorite parts of the book! I was all like "fuck yeah Katniss YOU SHOWED THEM!"

Awwwwww you crazy kids! Congrats! I like her better with Wiz than Kanye.

Nancy Grace is reckless alright. My strongest impression of her was when she invited Elizabeth Smart to speak on her show (Smart was promoting a bill) and kept interrogating her left and right about her kidnapping and bringing up triggering phrases. Smart handled it really well but finally had to tell Nancy off. It

My ex boxed up "all" my stuff and gave it to me. It made things easy... all my clothes, toiletries and jewelry were there. It wasn't until later that I realized he had kept all my DVDs and a few of my favorite books. In my case, it was just easier not to contact him to ask.

I'm afraid to watch. Is this going to ruin sushi for me?

That fistpumpin baby is going to pop out and be all ready to GTL with the IFF unless they're DTF.

That was adorable!

So annoyed at Kelly Osbourne. Get over it, Ryan.

Ryan overreacted. That was amazing!

I will keep that in mind.

Wow. Very forward response to an empty profile! At least he is up front...

I'm watching it too! It didn't bother me when I first saw it... But I agree with your assessment. She got all worried and insecure! And yeah... Seth Rogen's every role is the "lovable" dick/friend.

My vote is for the Mac and cheese!

Those shoes are hot! But not good for daywalking in NYC. If you must wear heels, go for something a couples inches lower and very well padded!

This is terrible news! Maybe there can be a catalogue of good and bad pharmacies so customers know which ones to refuse their business. I am so upset that I even have to think of how to get around this one.

This is the only portrait of Santorum that I'd consider hanging on my wall.

I have a mild crush on this man. He really cares about my sexual pleasure and protection. And he has nice hands.

Hahaha this is awesome. I want to shake her hand.

You made me laugh so hard! Yes, it is a peaceful, alone time for the uterus. No apologies necessary.

You can isolate the uterus if you tie off the tubes. *wink* It's how we bypass the system.