I was told I'd feel "a pinch." It was definitely more than a pinch!
I was told I'd feel "a pinch." It was definitely more than a pinch!
PP was there for me through it all. From my first yeast infection (I was so scared) to a LEEP after an abnormal pap smear & colposcopy at 24. They advised me and scheduled me for additional checkups and was so supportive. They gave me birth control and helped me switch from several types until I found one that fit me.…
Thank you for writing this. I am so disappointed at the actions of this organization, I cannot believe they let politics get in the way of women's health. Planned Parenthood does much more than abortions. 97% of their business is other women's health issues (contraceptives, screening, health education). By withdrawing…
Fly bunneh fly!
No worries, not intrusive. I live in the US and I typically make that distinction out of habit (Asian & Indian), but I've been corrected as well so I understand the function of the umbrella title. Nevertheless, it does not seem that they get many features/covers in fashion magazines.
The uniboob is a nice touch.
That just made me laugh so hard! A lightening bolt would surely fit for the boy who lived!
Oh don't worry. I have already written them regarding my outrage. I donated on behalf of a friend who was planning to participate in one of their events but she will no longer be attending due to this ridiculousness. And the comments on their facebook page is making my blood boil. They are calling it "planned…
Just curious, have they ever put an Asian woman on the cover?
I made a donation to SGK over the holidays. And now I'm foaming at the mouth. That $50 should have gone to PP.
I'll be donating to the National Women's Health Network and Planned Parenthood. Not another cent for Komen.
I flew into a similar rage when I first heard. And then the sadness at the state of things for women set in... And I was surprised to see so many comments referencing the misinformation that abortion is correlated with breast cancer. What on earth?!
Oh good! Maybe their people are overwhelmed by all the facebook feedback. I just went back and read their page and I see a lot of great arguments are up there... makes me proud :)
As a former intern in charge of social media for a national women's health organization, I know how facebook works. I did not include anything profane in my comment, just facts regarding PP's work.
Breast Cancer Action
SGK keep deleting my posts on their facebook wall. ARGHHHHHHH.
Wow. I am thoroughly upset. By withdrawing their support they are neglecting millions of needy women. What about THEIR lives?
I think she's a beautiful dancer and it must be quite a tremendous achievement to graduate from this school. However, I am not at all familiar with ballet and am unable to tell good from bad form... can someone give me some idea as to what to look for? What is good posture in ballet? What are the technical things I'm…
I can only interpret that in a joking tone.
Hahaha thanks! For reference, it says: "My vibrator and I are looking for a third."