
It’s becoming pointless to point these things out anymore, but I would call Clarke the snowflake for getting so triggered over someone shaking their head at him. But, gaslighting and being scumbags is what the right wing does full time now.

“Cheer up, snowflake ... if Sheriff Clarke were to really harass you, you wouldn’t be around to whine about it.”

Not to mention the people that died in his prison.

Screw the snowflake part. That’s nothing to waste taxpayer money on with a trial. Whats more concerning is the fact that this asshole used his shitty sheriff powers to have someone questioned because he didn’t like his reaction to him. That’s a blatant abuse of power.

The judge gave Clarke a pass on abusing his authority by having his cheese curd stormtroopers hold up a guy...over a headshake?

I won’t argue if they would good or bad jokes, but do you think he was trying to be mean? 

It’s got an installed microwave oven- For custom kitchen deliveries.

Panasonic knows a lot about computers, electronics, batteries, power, hvac systems, robotics/manufacturing, sensors, ebike drives, driver assists, car infotainment systems, antilock brakes, cooling systems, power windows, etc.

you’re a drain on the human species & planet at large

I am not a car warmer upper (for environmental reasons, waste not want not etc). But I have new stuff and I do drive gently until the temp comes up.

That’s nothing. I see people pull up to the pump, wtih a line of cars waiting their turn. Said person goes into the sotre, holds a conversation with the cashier and anyone else in the store for 5 minutes, comes out with a drink or a pack of gum, then hops into the car without fueling and drive away.

wait for it...


I remote start my car so it can cool off.

The reason why the first guy had to send an email from his Galaxy Note:

Jason, you are an idiot, but we all thought that long before this article. Plus, you’re OUR idiot.

Listen, people talked about Jesus Christ and in comedy everything and everyone is fair game. Jokes about transgenders without malice are no different, the only thing different is these folks wanting to be upset about everything perceived to be a slight. Get used to it, I’ve had to deal with nigger jokes and embedded