
Fried tofu in pho......

Cheap suits with Alfa logos don’t look good tho. Especially to women.

With the exception of a few ridiculously expensive watches, has any car manufacturer ever made something not a car with their logo on it worth a shit? Fan boys please leave your lame ass comments about your hellcat t shirt or Lexus letter opener at home.

They’ll use it to justify more force and they’ll use it to dehumanize the people they shoot even more. It plays in their favor for it to go bad.

No, he’s a troll. The only attention he can get is this. Don’t give it to him.

Interesting to see if these sell in Colorado where it’s Subaru everywhere. I’m assuming some people will buy them just because they are sick of seeing Subarus everywhere and don’t want one of the same.

That was a joke. I think it went over your head. Unbunch your hellcat panties and Log off.

Cat pics and dick facts?

Thank you math nerd. Bonus points for showing your work!

It is so hard to appreciate some of the curvy cars from the 90s since the contrast so sharply with today’s sharp edges and aggressive faces. This car is beautiful but it looks soft compared to something from today.

I can’t help but think that Fiat/Chrysler meetings are full of dudes that have a boner for this engine and all that goes with it and it gets brought up AD NASEUM at meetings, and in the hallway, and the water cooler and the.........

That last image is interestingly photoshopped. One lane with lanes painted on it and that moose looks as is it’s about 20ft tall.

I want to take it camping.

FJ cruisers are so small on the inside for how big they are on the outside. The Blazer is cool, but it’s NOT a convertible!!!! The cap only covers the back seats. There is a metal roof above the drivers head on those years. Real old ones and broncos and scouts were convertible style. The TSX ain’t bad but that ain’t

Part of me thinks charge what the market allows, but part of me thinks you have to stay “reasonably” within MSRP, say 15% max.

SO STOP POSTING PICTURES OF YOUR DASH TO SOCIAL MEDIA (funny memes of your dashes are allowed). 

I’m a child of the 80s - give me a Pontiac Grand Prix with knobs and buttons and stalks EVERYWHERE.

How can you disallow laps and not have to start over? Was it the first 48 laps? WTF? I made 88 free throws in a row once, except the 20 that were disallowed? WTF.

Extreme cornering at high speeds.