Straight up, I’m sure trump knows his base see BMW drivers are liberal douches who can’t park.
Straight up, I’m sure trump knows his base see BMW drivers are liberal douches who can’t park.
Nice screen name.
You misspelled vanity ;) twice.
I never said they had to buy a Prius, but at least buy the product that’s designed for its intended purpose.
Nope, he noticed ;)
I don’t think that’s a car. Maybe “blonde” dude won’t notice the difference.
Why do people buy Jeep wranglers and never off road them? Why do people buy sports cars but don’t track them? Why do people...........
Troll troll troll troll troll troll.
Exactly, no logic, just trolling.
I don’t understand why people like Sherman. He just talks to damn much and he ain’t that good (except at holding). Like his big education justifies his mouth.
They should build fewer models better instead of more models worse. They diluted the brand.
Make BMW great again!
I think GTs are what America wants and needs but just don’t know it yet. It’s a big ass country with lots to see and lots of interstate. A sports car is for the track. This thing is meant to be driven all over the place at a high rate of speed in luxury. Isn’t that what we want?
$600 HP and air cooled is pretty impressive.
This may seem crazy, but maybe America should just make better cars? (I know they are getting better)
Either way I wish it would make a comeback
The plane is from 1962, maybe caddy stole the idea from Elvis????
Slow? Keep arguing with me troll. I love this shit. Slow doesn’t understand what profiling is. Slow is a troll who thinks spelling is a way to win an arguement about something all together different. Substance bitch. Show me some substance. Prove your point with logic.
Actually, I’m super smart and physically amazingly capable. That’s why I do this, to beat up on trolls.
Nope, did that one on purpose. Your still an asshole. Of course you took the bait, an asshole always does.