Lemon-Shaped Rock

The show holds up. I saw it for the first time late last year and early this year and there were very few moments that took me out of the show. And most of those were in the first couple of episodes anyway. By episode 3 I was hooked, and by season 2 Buffy was my favorite show ever.

Did you happen to get her name and date of birth?

Yeah, I was also disappointed with Pacific Rim. It's incredibly stupid, and the visuals (which were supposed the best part) were bland. Everything was orange and blue and it got boring really quickly.

If you don't want to be an enthusiastic hockey fan, you could be a fan of the Leafs.

Food, penetration, food, penetration, and it goes back and forth like this for 90 minutes or so until the movie just sort of… ends.

::::I. Ron Butterfly plays In the Garden of Eden::::

I discovered My Chemical Romance around the time I was 13 promptly tried my best to get my mom to like it. I was unsuccessful.

I'm not a huge football fan, I mostly watch it while I'm waiting for the NHL to start, so I'm not familiar with the broadcast teams. Who was on NBC tonight? Because they were terrible.

Not obvious enough!

Argh, I posted the same thing without seeing your comment.

I thought Angel would be on here. Gina Torres isn't gross, but giving birth to a fully grown woman/goddess is something I hope I never experience.

Spooky scary

The Prestige vs. The Illusionist

No, that's pufferhuff.

You're confusing them with Fluffer-puffs.

I don't know, "Ding dong the witch is dead" was the low point of the show for me, so Rona's (do I have her name right?) my least favorite potential.

That's fair, but I think it finishes pretty strong too. It's a doughnut season. There's nothing in the middle.

Selfless, Lies My Parents Told Me, and Chosen, of course, are all great too. The Potentials are awful though, so they push season 7 into my bottom 3 Buffy seasons (with 1 and 6). But it's still super watchable for me.

Guys, guys, they were all good!

Conversations with Dead People?