YYeah, the CLA was never a good looking design and it won’t age well at all. Plus, with the CLA you just scream gaudy or wannabe rich.
YYeah, the CLA was never a good looking design and it won’t age well at all. Plus, with the CLA you just scream gaudy or wannabe rich.
more like ottofellating.
Captain Planet Revoltron
Oscar the Grouch isn’t homeless?
My wife has a knack for finding employers who throw great holiday parties where crazy stuff happens. There’s the year the chief edior knocked over the giant christmas tree in the Hilton, same employer a year later, got thrown out of another hotel.
The social credit score plays on one of the worst traits in Chinese society, that of your social ‘face’. To Chinese face is everything, in a way westerners cannot fathom, it’s like having a score card that you are born with and eventually die with. Since most people live and die within a community, everyone knows your…
Culp has proposed an ordinance to his city council—supposedly based on the Second Amendment—essentially saying that gun regulation laws like Initiative 1639, the one in question, infringe on citizens’ constitutional right to bear arms and through the ordinance would be “hereby declared to be invalid in the City of…
The most anti-govt conservatives I’ve ever worked with were at my govt jobs.
Mike Gundy gets paid $5,000,000 per year to coach football at a public university.
not to harsh on someone who got fucked by The Man but it sounds like your girlfriend should have quit her job and done something else if she was that unhappy with the situation.
What you should do is start talking to your other friends about how cheap she is behind her back. Really build up some animosity. Then if you ever go out together again, ask for split checks, but only 2 of them. One for the table and one for her. And if you’re in line for coffee tell Claire and Alice to go ahead and…
“Don’t work overtime unless you’re paid for it, y’all. Protect your health. Companies don’t care about you.”Everyone should get this tattooed on their chest, or arm, or someplace else easily visible so they see it every morning when they get up and look at themselves in the mirror.
It just so happens the New York Times received another anonymous op-ed.
Wait, why don’t all people buy belts that fit better?
Wait, why don’t all people buy belts that fit better?
Knockout gas.... or 2 bottles of wine each.
He’s never been afraid to go deep down the middle, or to target the tight end.
Every year on my birthday I test drive a car or two, as a free birthday present to myself.
I thought the whole point of the rookie wage scale was veterans being willing to screw over rookies because it meant that money would be paid to proven players. Now you’re telling me they screwed over rookies and thus incentivized teams to underpay new kids and depress the veteran market anyway?
The proper response when you’re in the way outside lane and are going to miss your exit on the freeway is this: Foot off gas, foot over brake, spew about 15 dozen profanities while foot hovers over brake and you pass exit without speed really decreasing, mash foot onto gas and accelerate like an insane person,…
“Jokes on you, Robby. My wife has a nut allergy, which is why we can’t even have sex anymore.”