
You don’t have to be rich to own a private plane. My dad owns one and he’s just in the military. Hardly rich. But with how conservative the Duggars are with their money they’ve probably got tons saved up!

WUT? I’ve never had to pay return shipping. Mod cloth has the best customer service I’ve ever experienced in my life! I order all the time and return all the time with no problem.

I saw her live for free once and it was pretty good. There’s my commentary.

No, maybe if it were the other way around, nodding your head no, but thats not what’s happening here at all.

I love this! It’s like a more grown up version of baby! Goddamn these girls with the mixed signals.

This shit right here is my holy grail. It doesn’t have those shit chemicals and you can even do it at home if you have the patience and your hair isn’t super long. It usually lasts me about 8 months of no frizz. I love this because you have the option to keep it curly without all the pesky frizz. It doesn’t smell like

Holy shit two hours to find out if you’re pregnant or not!? So thankful for modern technology, that would have been a heck of a wait.

You guys missed my favorite one!

okay that makes total sense

I’m currently pregnant and a lot of women on baby center rave about this drug so IDK. It seems to be safe according to the FDA so I don’t know what they’re so mad about.

Hey we all have to right to choose to over exfoliate our butts! Thats the point :)

Demi’s cover is barely racy! I don’t get it!

I have two one one areola and I’ve been told its totally normal as long as they do not change in size or color, just keep an eye on them.

haha its okay it wasn’t my best sentence :p

The outfit Meek wore to the Mayweather fight, yes.

He’s a good looking guy, it has me confused a lot of times too!

hahaha ok that was funny

Right! This is the only thing that bugs me out of this whole situation! If anything Meek is proud of Nicki’s success, its not anything to be ashamed about. You don’t see Jay crying over Yonce being a bigger artist.


I think his face is fucking adorable <3