Well as long as it falls within "god's plan" then all's good. You don't fuck with god!
Well as long as it falls within "god's plan" then all's good. You don't fuck with god!
hahaha that wasn't supposed to make me laugh but it did. Now I feel really mean.
I don't have a dick but I know how to pleasure one. However, put a vagina in my face and I wouldn't really know where to start.... It's more complicated than you think so unless you have a vagina I wouldn't expect you to understand.
haha it looks like a swim suit cover up.
Finding it and pleasuring it are two different things.
I can't believe that's still a thing. That style is so two years ago.
I'm really sad that she's bit off key. Mariah you're never off!! WTF!!
is Zoe Saldana really a "big" name, I see her as a C list Celebrity at the most.
Do you really think those girls masturbating on porn hub are legit? They are faking it but you're obviously an idiot who thinks all it takes is porn and some fingers to get a girl off.
Haha no offense but jerking a dick is cake compared to even knowing where to begin with a vulva but nice try.
and half of them will be cancelled in the first week as a result of that.
I used to get all my mother's hand me downs because we've always been the same size and I remember having to cut all the shoulder pads out of the adorable blazers she gave me. Those things are awkward.
Hesh most definitely.
more fun duh!! People watching is a sport.
No that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm not talking about all people, I am talking about people in the situation depicted on Louie. Jesus you really know how to stretch one simple sentence.
Seriously, the only thing Beyonce has to do with this "scandal" is that she's blood related to the attacker. She did not do the attacking so I don't know why all of Jezebel is treating her like she did.
That's funny because everyone looks ugly to me when I'm drunk.
but you're assuming that physical attraction and weight go hand in hand. You can find a fat person extremely attractive and love everything else about them but if the only reason you're not going on a date with them is because you don't want to be seen with a fatty then that's fucked. I'm not asking you to fuck…